Tuesday 27 September 2011

Lesson 8: Character in Performance

Lesson 8: Character in Performance

It is assumed that you have already watched at least one other version of Romeo and Juliet in addition to the Lurhmann version. 

  1. If you chose the 'notes' option over the discussion option, remember to attach the notes to your blog.
  2. Courses for after half-term: Poetry or Prose
  3. Add 'Email Me' button to blog

Learning Intention
To understand how directorial choices can affect our understanding of character

Key Competencies:
Using language, symbols and tools; interacting with ICT

Success Criteria:
  • I can identify at least 3 differences in the character of Romeo or Juliet played in different performances
  • I can connect acting choices with audience understanding for at least one character in the play


Choose one character: Romeo or Juliet 

For your character, try and think of adjectives to describe them. If you can, note down some contradictory ones that could be true e.g. Juliet could be said to be very mature for her age, or innocent and naive. All these features could be justified by the text, although an audience member will probably decide one or the other.


  • Share your ideas with a partner.
  • Can you help each other come up with any other ideas?


Sketch a Venn diagram or table in your workbook. If you are watching Juliet, there will be 4 scenes containing her; for Romeo, there are 5.

Watch the RSC version of Act 2, Scene 2, the balcony scene. Then watch the following videos and write words and short phrases to describe either Romeo or Juliet. (You do not need to watch the whole scene - just enough to get an idea of the character.)


  • Pair with another learner who did the same character as you and compare your impressions.
  • Are there any features of the character that apply to all the versions you watched?
  • What differences were there and how were these created?
  • Discuss: How did the director / actor shape the audience's interpretation of this character?
  • Look at the tree of knowledge. Do your observations contradict any of the information about your character? Can you add anything?
  • Write a paragraph on a Google Doc and share it with the class, explaining one of the character's features and how these are different in the different productions. You can write about 2 or more productions.


  • Choose a different character and find a key scene that they appear in. Find at least 2 versions of the scene on Youtube or elsewhere and compare the presentation of the character using the questions above to guide you.


    Comment on one other learner's findings in relation to the success criteria.
    How did you do? Can you identify any targets for moving on?

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