Monday 12 September 2011

Lesson 3: Act 1 Scene 2 & 3

Lesson 3
Act 1, Scenes 2 & 3

Learning Intention: I appreciate the way Shakespeare used language to create character
Key Competency: Using language, symbols and tools; participating and contributing


Complete this summary with the words below.

wealthy - Capulet - marriage - Paris - years - feast - Juliet

---- talks to ----, a wealthy young man of Verona, about his daughter ----. ---- is asking for ----'s hand in ---- but Capulet thinks she is too young. Paris should wait another 2 ----. Paris is not happy with this idea so Capulet invites Paris to the ---- he is having that evening, where Paris will meet Juliet.

Compare with a partner, then check on p38 of your text.


Remind yourselves of the difference between characters who speak in prose and those who speak in verse in Shakespeare's plays. What does it indicate about their status?



  • Read Scenes 2 and 3 in groups. 
  • Although you will need the books in your hand, use the common room to act out the scenes. 
  • Think about your body language, your intonation and facial expression. 



Divide into 2 groups. One group (4 people) will act out Scene 2 and the other group (6 people) will act out Scene 3.
Scene 2 people can use the classroom to rehearse; Scene 3 people can use the common room.
You have 20 minutes to rehearse and then perform to the other group.

The teacher and learners will decide who has worked most effectively on:
  • body language
  • stage movement
  • facial expression
  • intonation
  • using all of the above to make the meaning of the language as clear as possible
You will be writing a reflection of this activity later, so decide what your target(s) will be. They may be connected with performance, interpreting language or working in groups.


Think about what you did well in the activity and complete a learning reflection on your blog. Remember to include next steps and you can use this grid to guide your thoughts if you want to.

Update your study log.

Pages 264-266 of your text.

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