Tuesday 13 September 2011

Lesson 4: Act 1 Scene 4

Lesson 4
Act 1, Scene 4

Learning Intention: To understand the character of Mercutio and his views on life
Key Competency: Using language, symbols and tools; participating and contributing

HINT: This is a good scene for noting references to fate to add to your study log!

A pun is a (usually humorous) play on words where the sound or meaning is twisted into a new phrase.
A metaphor is saying one thing is another, when it isn't literally true - it is just a way of comparing them.

Divide this list into puns and metaphors

  1. The new weed whacker is cutting-hedge technology.
  2. He kept an alarm clock in the back window of his car. He was always ahead of his time.
  3. All the world's a stage.
  4. Two astronauts who were dating put an end to it because they both needed their space.
  5. The world is your oyster.
  6. Bugs have very diverse religious views, because they are all in sects.
  7. She has a heart of gold.
  8. Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures.


Compare your answers with a partner, and then check with the rest of the class.


  • Read Scene 4.
  • As you go through, take note of any puns or metaphors that you hear (perhaps just the line / page number will do)
  • When finished reading, compare your lists and discuss the meaning

  • PAIRS: In your workbook, both draw an outline of a person or a stickman and label it 'Mercutio'.
  • Look carefully at what Mercutio says in this scene. 
  • Find at least 6 quotations that reveal:
    • his personality
    • what he believes in 
  • Write these around the body outline with your comments beside each quotation, explaining clearly what each shows
  • Join up with another pair and compare your findings; anything to add?


What do you think of Mercutio?
Do you like him?
What kind of a character is he?
What is his relationship with Romeo like?
What role do you think he might play in how things unfold?

Update your study log.

Read the SparkNotes analysis of this scene and then take the quiz at the bottom of the page.

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