Tuesday 20 September 2011

Lesson 5: Act 1 Scene 5

Lesson 5
Act 1, Scene 5

Learning Intention: To interact with language and understand the ideas and images it creates
Key Competency: Using language, symbols and tools; participating and contributing

 Use only your body to communicate the sentences that have been given to you. Your partner will write down what it is they think you are trying to 'say'. (You can download the worksheet after the activity.)


Read I.v and watch the production.

Go to this site. You are going to create a 'hyperlinked' text of a section of this scene. Use your text and any other resources you have access to to link images, ideas, stories, poems, music etc to explore the language thoroughly.

First, read through the section and discuss how it can be interpreted.


Create your hyperlinked text.

This is the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet. How does Shakespeare use language to build up to the meeting and what impressions do the lovers make on an audience, both contemporary and in Shakespeare's time?
What more do we learn about Tybalt in this scene?

  • Activities from p72-78 and p269
  • Choose one character from Romeo, Juliet and Tybalt. Record a diary of their thoughts after the party. You can write it or record it on audio. Present it on your blog and invite at least 2 other learners to comment on it for understanding events and character.

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