Monday 12 September 2011

Lesson 2: Act 1 Scene 1

 Lesson 2

Act 1, Scene 1

Learning Intention: To engage with Shakespeare's language through Drama
Key Competency: Using language, symbols and tools


Sort these insults into 4 categories:
  1. Animals
  2. Appearance
  3. Disease or Dirt
  4. Other

What kind of insults really annoy us?
What kind of insults don’t bother us at all?
What do we notice about how these insults work?


Watch this scene from Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. Make notes on:
  • body language
  • intonation in delivering insults
  • the relationship between the families
  • the possibility of reconciliation (making peace between them)

  • Click here to generate 5 insults. (Open the file with your Internet browser!) 5 mins
  • In groups of 3-4, create a script using these insults; use improvisation rather than reading from the page although you can make notes. 15 mins
  • Perform your scripts for the class.
  • Give each other feedback after each performance. 15 mins

15 mins
  • Look at the 'Activities' section on p34 of your text. Discuss the questions under 'Scene 1' and make notes on your impressions of the characters here.

  • Which insults worked best?
  • What role does body language play in understanding the impact of the insults?


  1. Create an entry in your learning journal reflecting on this lesson. Remember you can use the KWLHAQ grid to guide your ideas.
  2. Extend your study of this scene with the activities on p34-37 and p262-264 of the text.

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