Thursday 22 September 2011

Lesson 6: The Play in Performance

We've worked our way through the first Act of Romeo and Juliet and hopefully it is becoming easier for you to understand what is going on. Hopefully too you will have started to gather impressions about particular characters and notice how particular themes are beginning to recur.

Next, we are going to watch the Baz Luhrmann production of Romeo & Juliet. In my humble opinion, it is not the most faithful interpretation of the text but it is arguably the most accessible version in existence and I think you will enjoy it more than any other.

I will then give you the much-respected, award-winning Zeffirelli version which although 'old-fashioned' is a more complete presentation of the text.

The controlled assessment date is Tuesday 1st November. The plan is:

  1. complete study of the play by week before half-term break;
  2. use peer assessment to improve draft ideas;
  3. work on final essay over half-term break;
  4. submit notes sheet & deal with any queries or concerns in lesson time on 31st October;
  5. controlled assessment (all lesson Tuesday 1st November)

The task you will complete is:

'How is the character of your choice presented and developed through the play? You may choose to focus on this character in relation to a particular theme or idea in the play and should show your knowledge of the play as a whole.'

Watch the Lurhmann film and there will be opportunities to test your understanding but you can test yourself as soon as you've watched by clicking here.

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