Wednesday 5 October 2011

Lesson 9: CA Preparation

In this lesson you will think about how to plan your essay for the play of Romeo and Juliet. Remember the question: 

'How is the character of your choice presented and developed through the play? You may choose to focus on this character in relation to a particular theme or idea in the play and should show your knowledge of the play as a whole.'

It is assumed that you have already watched at least one other version of Romeo and Juliet in addition to the Lurhmann version. 

Learning Intention
I can plan using topic sentences
I understand the elements of an essay on literary analysis

Key Competencies:
Using language

Success Criteria (decided by Y11):
  • I can use PEE/PQC effectively
  • I have a (rough) plan of the structure of my essay
  • I know how to write and use topic sentences


Read the essays given to you. Highlight any parts that you find particularly interesting. NB These are examples of student essays. They have been chosen to demonstrate the essay format but the content may be sub-standard. Your own readings and ideas should inform your writing, rather than these examples.

  • Can you see a common structure?
  • What have they done well? What could they do better?
  • Discuss and use the assessment grid to determine the quality of these essays.


  • If you are not aware of / confident with topic sentences, you should follow this link to make sure you are confident in planning with them. (The point is the topic sentence.)

  • Start planning your essay using topic sentences.


  • Reinforce your understanding by reading about your character using these resources. 
  • You can use quotations as long as you acknowledge the source in your essay.


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