Monday 10 October 2011

Lesson 10 : S&L Coursework - Roleplay

As part of your GCSE course, you will be assessed for your speaking & listening in different areas: 
Individual Presentation

The task you will do related to Romeo & Juliet is one of the following role-play tasks. As they involve discussion, this will also be assessed where possible.

  1. Take part in a trial of Friar Lawrance. You will be a defence attorney or prosecution, a witness or a character. Materials here. (Ignore the Nurse's trial part.)
  2. Romeo goes to Mercutio to ask for his advice about what he can do about Juliet after the balcony scene. With a partner, one is Romeo and one is Mercutio. Act out the conversation and record it using your Mac. The conversation should reflect what you know about the characters.

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